Oh, Hello there!


Oh, Hello there!

Outer Borough Life Explained

Welcome to the life of two chefs in the outer boroughs of NYC. We love food, music, and taking days off to go explore the far reaches. We started this blog to be able to share our favorite things with the world. We believe that everyone has an innate ability to create, whether that means in the kitchen, with an instrument, or experiences. Life doesn’t have to be expensive, and usually, the best memories are made when you are creating something together with family or friends.

We want to teach our friends (and the world) how to take simple cooking techniques and use them to create mouth watering feasts for all of their friends. Cooking at home doesn’t need to be stressful or hard, at the core of it you are creating something out of nothing, and that is Magic! Our main philosophy is that food should not be over complicated. Every ingredient is best when served closest to how it was created, it is just our job to highlight its attributes.

Music is everywhere, music is everything, everyone has their own soundtrack. We have been fortunate enough to be able to come from a few generations of humans that have loved and dedicated at least part of their lives to creating, listening to, and finding music. We want to share some of our favorites so that in this age of cover bands and copycats, we remember and  pay homage to the greats. we want to talk about when musicians had to play live in order to get the record deals. Who was behind the bands, where did they play, what life did they live.

Life is exploration! Going to places that are off the grid or forgotten about. long standing establishments that have seen generations come and go. Places that connect you with people that have been in your life and wake up memories to make you feel close to them again. Places to walk around, to eat at, to find music, to find good times. We will show you some of ours in the hope that you go find more around you as well. Life has gotten so digital, it’s more important than ever to get outside.

Welcome to our life and we hope you find something delicious to share with your friend.

-Bill and Bailey

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